HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Main Source, Curia Regis, Siete Partidas

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Legislation in the late middle ages: royal charters. Most legal systems: customary law as interpreted and developed by courts = main source of law. Role of prince = to guarantee, enforce, correct law, not change it. 12th cent onwards: national and regional princes: more active legislators. Earlier stages: legislation = only recording and confirming existing laws and privileges: Charters" aimed at particular jurisdiction, certain territory or class within it. 2nd half 12th cent: philip of alsace promulgated charters for the towns in his county. 10th cent onwards: bishops and pope promulgated truces or peaces of god: forbade use of force against zwakken. Emperors and kings all wanted to make more comprehensive code" of law: vb liber augustalis by frederick ii for sicily. 1: vb siete partidas by alfonso for castile, the administration of justice during the late ma, plurality of jurisdictions. Fragmentation pol authority end of early ma fragmentation admin of justice.