PHIL 200- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

The idea of heat is found in the mind based on qualities of something, not the thing itself. Understands thought as an arrangement of ideas (to think is to have a chain of ideas) One is born with the mechanisms for thought: experience furnishes simple ideas , The simple ideas we get from experience are positive ideas, ex heat and cold, light and dark are. Idealism versus realism: does the material world have existence outside our experience. Locke will argue that we have the world within our perspective, but also that the objects of consciousness have independent reality (ex there is the chair one sees, within their experience, but also a chair which causes the experience). Berkely counterargues that the world is constituted by ones own experience (there is nothing outside ones own consciousness that causes the experience). To berkely something cannot exist independent of being perceived.