BIOL 202 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Chi-Squared Test, Chi-Squared Distribution, Mendelian Inheritance

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6 Feb 2017

Document Summary

The study relies on crossing of 2 forms of genotype/phenotype. Tells how many genes are involved, whether its dominant or not, and the gene- environment interactions: reverse genetics. Begin with a stretch of unknown dna. Knock out of a dan, or affect its transcription, translation. Transmission of genetic information: from parents to offspring, from dna to gene action between and within cells, over generations within populations (evolution) Inheritance worked like mixing of fluids: mendel"s laws of inheritance. Gene behaved like particles that do not blend. Some alleles are dominant to other: discover of chromosomes. Case studies reveals there is genetic factor in some diseases: gastric cancer (mostly not genetic, but a single copy of a mutated gene can highly increase the risk of getting gastric cancer in mid life) -i. e. the mutated disease phenotype is dominant over the normal/wide phenotype.