MUAR 211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Romantic Music, Robert Schumann, Scherzo

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Opera exhibits breaking down of barriers between arts values by romantics (combines music, sets, drama, literature/poetry) Opera popular all over europe in romantic period. Romantic operas are frequently performed today (more than classical/baroque operas) Plots are usually entirely serious, often tragic (lighter, humorous genre is operetta or opera comique) Stories often adapted from romantic novel/poems (popular authors: walter. Some famous romantic operas are based on shakespeare plays; some on mythology. The orchestra plays a large role in romantic operas (larger than in classical/baroque operas) Most famous italian composer of the romantic period. Wrote nearly 40 operas, most in italian (a few in french for performance in. Focus is on singers and their virtuosity (but orchestra still plays a large role) Arias and ensembles like what we saw in mozart"s don giovanni. Recitatives further action and have more declamatory style, but with orchestral accompaniment (not basso continuo) Operas were very popular in italy during his lifetime (esp. in milan)