ANTHROP 1AA3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Human Behavior, Social Stratification, Salirophilia

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So when did humans evolve from other primates: evidence lies in analyses of fossils of hominin/hominid ancestors (bipedal ancestors of humans) who lived in east and south africa. What are fossils: organic material is replaced by minerals from surrounding soil. What does a hominin look like: small front teeth and large molars, bipedalism and associated with anatomical adaptations, manual dexterity than other primates. Some of earliest work- mary and louis leakey in olduvai gorge. When and where did the first humans appear: hominid/hominins humans and their direct ancestors, multidisciplinary experts from various scientific disciplines, physical sciences (e. g. geology); biological sciences; and social sciences. Another feature of australopithecines (and other hominids: mosaic evolution, we see evolution in some body parts without a simultaneous change in other body parts. Also adapted for arboreal life (could brachiate: reduced size of front teeth, especially canines indicates little conflict, and generalized diet.