ANTHROP 1AA3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Linguistic Anthropology, Jane Goodall, American Anthropologist

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Human culture: learned behaviors and beliefs that shape our human experiences. Examples: religion, spirituality, identities (gender, race, ethnicity, nationalism), food preferences, etc. Anthropologists study differences and similarities in culture around the world. We tend to think about many of our behaviors and identities as natural/biological but many are not. Nationalism use terms like it"s in my blood to be an american, but americans are taught what it means to be american. Ethnocentrism the erroneous idea that one"s culture and its values are somehow right or superior to another culture"s. Many people therefore judge another culture according to the standards of their own. Ex. cultural perceptions of death like cannibalism. The colour of ppl"s skin and being able to rank them (white are higher) Often involves overcoming culture shock (cid:1543) experience it as a tourist or as an anthropologist being on the field. An approach adopted and promoted by anthropologists. Understanding another society in its own terms.