ANTHROP 1AA3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Carl Linnaeus, Kula Ring, Social Stratification

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Grant mccracken/peter van esterik, everything up and including feb. 10, focus on overlaps and examples that fit with class lectures. What is anthropology: the systemic study of humankind in all times and places, does not have to be of far away places. Bourgeois studies crack dealers in east harlem to see how poverty and racism affects their life decisions: margaret lock studies the different cultural views on death and how that affects whether organ donations are deemed culturally acceptable. Applied anthropology: the use of anthropological knowledge and methods to solve practical, real life problems. To protect cultural resources: example: matt emery worked at douglas creek on first nations excavations, was confronted with canada"s colonial past. Physical anthropology: studies the biology of the human species, molecular anthropology, paleoanthropology (human fossils), biocultural, primatology, forensics (ex: mass grave in peru) Ethnocentrism: to look at another culture from one"s own perspective.