BIOLOGY 2C03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Chalcone Synthase, Gremlin, Piwi

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Classes of rna three main types of classic rna -> protein production mrna trna rrna small rnas -> regulatory function small interfering rnas (sirnas) micrornas (mirnas) Rna interference (rnai) double stranded rna (dsrna) molecules that regulate gene expression naturally occurring process mechanism of post transcriptional gene silencing. Rnai protect against mutational e ects of transposable elements protect against viral infection through inhibition too much mrna causes create of double stranded rna. Jorgensen and colleagues studied petunias in 1980s added an extra copy of the chalcone synthase gene to generate more pigment for darker owers instead they got the opposite extra copies of the chalcone synthase gene showed repression of phenotype. How does rnai work? works through the activation of rna induced silencing complexes (risc) by interaction with the small duplex. Rna molecules termed small rnas (mirnas and sirnas) results in: sequence speci c cleavage degradation or translation inhibition of the target transcript when dsrna introduced, an enzyme named.