CMST 1A03 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Scientific Management, Bell Media, Mass Society

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Thinking analytically (at the ways media are implicated in our knowledge and understanding of the world) Considers how language, culture, media the social contexts frame and determine not only the meaning but the kinds of messages we create . The act of making a message common to one or more people . Media are integral to our cultural lives. Stories in media tell larger stories about people, values. Op-ed due week of september 26th (tutorial friday september 30th, 8:30am) How to submit: hard copy in tutorial, drop box submission on avenue (due before class starts) The act of making a message common to one or more people (pg. The act of transmitting and exchanging information and meaning through any form of language. There are different ways of conceptualizing this broad definition: 3 models. Who says > what > to whom > in what channel > with what effect: ex.