HLTHAGE 2L03- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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Well supported (med profession, treatment industry, producers, recovery movement) Even when understood as a disease, addiction is often thought of as self- inflicted (especially within specific populations) Studies where addicts choose other rewards (money ,less work) over substance. Less than 1% of those who do not self-administer become addicted to narcotics. Yet epidemiological studies reveal "maturing out" and spontaneous remission. Even with heroin, casual users outnumber addicts 7:1. Even people who havent had a drink for 20 years, still say "im an alcoholic" Addicts viewed as victims - not of a disease, but of destructive living situations. Essentially: addicts as a product of their environments. Self medicating, despair, turning to certain behaviours for comfort/feel better. Behaviour is not freely chosen, choice is highly structured by environment. Treating addicts as sick or bad ignores the root of the problem. Essentially: not seeing the root of the problem. Addiction rates are higher in societies with big gaps of inequality (economic)