HLTHAGE 3EE3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ethnography, Visual Sociology, Photovoice

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Th e s a g e en c yc lo p e d ia o f qu a lita tive re s e a rc h me th o d s. Naturalistic inquiry employs several qualitative methods for data collection because these approaches capture the complex nuances of human experience. Naturalistic researchers can use ethnography, ethnomethodology, critical ethnography, or auto ethnography to conduct naturalistic inquiries: define ontology, epistemology and axiology. Issues of generalizability, validity, and reliability are raised. No explicit distinction exists between the researcher and the researched. Objectivity, prediction, and control are three of the goals of scientific research. Not the focus of naturalistic inquiry because of the epistemological orientation of naturalism. Thickly describing observed phenomena and illustrating the multiple realities of a scene take precedence. Generalizability: the ability to identify common patterns in human interactions rather than to making broad assertions about large populations.