MUSIC 1A03 Midterm: Music-1A03-Midterm-2 notes

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Was an age of growing confidence in the powers of human reason and the distinctiveness of every individual. Protestant reformation: tension among christians began around 1517, martin luther (1483-1546):german monk and composer. In 1517, he nailed the door of a roman catholic church in wittenberg, germany a list of complaints against the. He called them his ninety-five theses: luthers ideas caught on and helped establish protestantism as a new branch of. In 1501, ottaviano petrucci published one of the first collections of polyphonic music printed entirely in movable type. Odhecaton and it contained 96 secular songs in 3 and 4 parts. The odhecaton demonstrated a triple-impression process: 1. Musical staff 2. notes 3. text in 1520s, publishers started using a single-impression method, which was less time- consuming and less costly. Texture: polyphony, including imitative counterpoint thick(3,4,5,or 6 equal parts) Melody: flowing but with greater use of disjunct motion, longer works divided into smaller sections, further subdivided by cadences.