POLSCI 2O06 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Contract

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Sphere that the government can"t touch that includes certain rights (ex. property, life, liberty) Property and individual property is a principle purpose of state, you have an individual right to property- it"s your property because you put labour into it. Limit that state- state power is to protect the rights of individuals- if states start doing more than that citizens will overthrow it and create a new one. More of individual freedoms not communal- free from state/community. Freedom to enforce law (ex. taking back your property/protection) Natural right for property is productivity of commercial economy- even the poorest person in a commercial society is wealthier than the richest person in a non commercial society. Making the law important- the law and community is the vehicle of which we are free together ruled by general will- rather than individual it is communal/social/collective/political.