PSYCH 1X03- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 29 pages long!)

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Classical conditioning: classical conditioning, able to associate two events together (storm & headache, instrumental conditioning, able to associate actions and consequences together. The unconditional stimulus (us: any stimulus or event, occurs naturally prior to learning, (ex: putting a lemon in mouth) The unconditional response (ur: response after the us, occurs naturally prior to learning, (ex: pouting, salivation in mouth b/c of lemon) The conditioned response (cr: the response that occurs once the contingency between the cs and the us has been learned. 2: (ex: sound of a bell is associated with food for the dog so they start to salivate) Acquisition: the process by which a contingency between a cs and us is learned, contingencies are learned slowly. 3: us for the rat is the sickness it gets when it comes into contact with food that is poisonous for it (ur).