PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Behaviour Therapy, Classical Conditioning, Dysthymia

43 views7 pages
23 Apr 2014

Document Summary

What is normal/abnormal varies across people, cultures, and time periods. Bipolar patients in manic phase feel elated and not distressed. Purpose of dsm = diagnostic and statistical manual to apply proper diagnosis from these guidelines. Has two main functions: provides standardized criteria to aid in diagnosis of psych disorders, use of common language. 2 general diagnostic criteria: origination within the person crying uncontrollably about family car accident is a normal response to an external factor. Disordered behaviour must originate from within the person: involuntariness excludes dressing up wild for football game/halloween. 4 models include biological, psychodynamic, behavioural, and cognitive. Dsm doesn t provide treatment plans for disorders or offer explanation for disorder. Helpful for leading an explanation or treatment plan. Physical causes physically damaged or abnormal activity of chemicals in brain known as neurotransmitters cause malfunction: genetics, nutrition, disease, and stress. Treatment often relies on drug therapy: drugs to treat disorder, electroconvulsive shock or brain surgery.