[PSYCH 2AP3] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (214 pages long)

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Understand patterns of thought, emotion, behaviour that are considered problematic. Understand current hypotheses about the causes of psychopathy: etiology. Be aware of the challenges involved in investigating the causes of psychopathy: complex, ethical restraints that we have to put on to research people, especially those who are psychologically troubled or vulnerable. Appreciate our lack of understanding concerning the causes and treatment of psychopathy. Understand and appreciate the personal experience of psychopathy. Experts know a lot but experience less. The more you know, the less certain you are (understand there is so much more info out there) Dsm disorder categories don"t reflect the multiple and overlapping causes of mental disorders. We don"t know the causes of any disorder we will discuss, or any others in the dsm. We do not know why or how our pharmacological or psychotherapeutic treatment works. Ethical considerations prevent much research involving individuals with a particular disorder: can"t duplicate past research, stricter ethics as time goes on.