PSYC 2920 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Experiment, Internal Validity, Repeated Measures Design

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Independent group design (cid:862)(cid:271)et(cid:449)ee(cid:374) su(cid:271)je(cid:272)t(cid:863: repeated measures (cid:862)(cid:449)ithi(cid:374) su(cid:271)je(cid:272)ts(cid:863, matched pair design. Equivalent groups: to ensure subjects are not different before iv is manipulated. Random assignment: each subject has the same probability of being assigned to a given condition. Posttest only: dependent variable is measured only after independent variable manipulation. Pretest-posttest: dependent variable is measured prior to and after independent variable manipulation. Solomon 4 group design: method to assess whether presence of pretest is affecting posttest. Simple: test some subjects of each groups with a pretest and a posttest study and others with only a posttest. Same participants used in all experimental conditions, groups should be identical since same people are used, any difference in the d. v. must be due to the i. v. Order effects: being in one condition may change individual (no longer equivalent groups, confounds interpretation of i. v. : practice effects test performance gets better. Counter balancing: balance order of testing to control for order effects.