[BIOL 201] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (24 pages long!)

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1: dominant microbial biomass in the soil in forests, not as dependent on nearby water for metabolism during decomposition- can decay relatively dry substrates. Can transport h2o/ nutrients along mycelium from hyphae that are in contact with moist areas. Certain dry rot fungi can synthesize substantial liquid water as a byproduct of glycolysis. Dry rot fungi can synthesize specialized wood-decaying enzymes: more species than bacteria, greater diversity of specialized decomposition enzymes than bacteria. Evolved on land (later lived on water) Fungi that cause disease are dimorphic- some fungi have unicellular and filamentous forms depending on environment. Aerobic respiration mostly, however some produce ethanol in anaerobic environments. Injecting c14 into a fir resulted in the birch beside the fir to have c14 transfer if c14 to fungi when transferred it to birth. Fungi are a mosaic of tiny islands but they are interconnected. Microsporidia- spore-forming, unicellular parasites; have polar tube which penetrates host cell and inserts.