BIOL 330 Study Guide - Final Guide: Coenzyme Q10, Cistron, Integral Membrane Protein

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Endosymbiont hypothesis- 1. 5 billion yrs ago, anaerobic cells engulfed aerobic bacterial cells. Proof: mitochondria have a similar size to bacteria, they contain their own circular dna genome, biosynthetic machinery for rna and organelle proteins, double membrane. Outer membrane: permeable due to porin proteins, contains import receptors. Intermembrane space: space between the inner and outer membranes, holds h+ ions to make the proton motor force. Inner membrane: electron transport chain and atp synthesis, selectively permeable membrane, cristae folds increase sa. 1: breakdown of pyruvate and fatty acids for the citric acid cycle, contains mtdna, ribosomes, trna. Mitochondria use microtubules in the cell to move towards regions of the cell that need atp. Glycolysis happens in cytosol and does not directly relate to the mitochondria, thus is not here: citric acid cycle (tca cycle) Produces high energy molecules (nadh and fadh2) from pyruvate or fatty acids. Nadh and fadh2 are electron carriers: electron transport and production of proton motor force.