CLST 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Graphe Paranomon, Epistates, Delian League

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Athenians considered themselves autochthonous descendants of ion son of. The bride is always given together with gifts, but the rules about these gifts can be very different. The bride is given to the house of the husband in order to ensure a succession. The dowry is not given to the husband, but remains a possession of the wife until it is passed to her sons. The houses of the wife and the husband are now tied; there is a kinship between them, not just an alliance. Khoros = dance/chorus paidotribes = sport trainer gymnasion (plu. gymnasia) = gymnastic school palaistra (plu. palaistrai) = wrestling school. Sophistes = sage or wise man; by the end of the 5th cent. They were not a school or a single movement. They claimed to teach goodness and excellence. Hippokratic corpus: contains works and essays on various subjects in medicine. Demokratia (the rule of the people) = democracy.