HLTH 230 Study Guide - Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Sugarcane, Acetaldehyde

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A class of organic compounds containings hydroxl groups: (oh) Can rapidly penetrate into cells and destroy cell structures. Toxicity can be beneficial to kill microbial cells. Ethanol is less toxic than other alcohols. Alcohol affects every organ: most evident in the liver. Liver uses fatty acids as fuel and holds excess fatty acids and triglycerides. They can be used for other tissues. With alcohol, fatty acids accumulate while the liver is trying to break down the alcohol. Alcohol metabolism can permantly change the liver cell structure. Can impair its ability to metabolize fats. Particular type of alcohol found in beer, wine, distilled liquor. Most widely used and abused drug in our society. Legal, non prescription drug that produces euphoria. If diluted and taken in small amounts, can be used with low risk. One standard drink (13. 6g of alchol) (1/2 oz) Produced by fermentation: grains, cereals, fruits, potatoes, carbohydrate rich foods.