HLTH 415 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Likert Scale, Apple Juice, Victim Blaming

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Understanding/describing the community host organization + program beneficiaries . The partner, its people, its issues + history. Intervention/evaluation bound to be more successful if informed by community culture + relationships. Community description, describe host organization, describe program beneficiaries/intended population. Send individual letters followed by a telephone call. Aim is to gain insight for evaluation. Occurs in comfortable setting with a moderator. Whe(cid:374) to (cid:374)ot use fo(cid:272)us groups: group dis(cid:272)ussio(cid:374) is i(cid:374)appropriate, (cid:449)he(cid:374) topi(cid:272) is(cid:374)(cid:859)t appropriate for the participants, when statistics are required. Stages 1 + 3 can require extra time and resources seek partnerships with community agencies. Benefits of focus groups inexpensive, data rich, flexible, stimulating to respondents, elaborative. Benefits of in-depth interviews repeated face-to-face encounters, perspectives on their lives, experiences/situations as expressed in their own words. Appropriate use for focus groups elicit responses to issues that may not be of prime importance to respondents, provides space to problematize concepts and ideas, good for engaging with hard-to-reach groups, less authoritative.