PHAR 340 Midterm: PHARM 340 Midterm review

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Occupancy theory: effect prop to [dr], effect is function of # of rs, affinity of drug rs, effectiveness of drug at changing functional state of r. Dose response curve: shifts l if affinity, efficacy or potency (dose of drug) incr: effective conc ec50: conc that prod 50% of max response, low=potent. Agonist: causes bio response after binding r: partial agonist: comp inhibits responses prod by full agonists, comp atagonist ~= weak partial agonists. Antagonist: blocks agonist: comp: affinity but no efficacy, reversible: shifts curve r. Irrev: shifts curve r and plateaus lower than 100% Inverse agonist: absence of agonist prod opp effect. Physio antagonism: drugs have opp effect but via diff r sys ex. Chem antagonism: not r mediated, 1 drug binds 2nd drug to inact it ex. heavy metals + chelating agents metal complex. Spare rs: sparseness can be temporal, effect of r act outlasts agonist-r interaction. Supersens: upregulation, following reduction in r stim or increased # of rs.