POLS 243 Study Guide - Final Guide: Acculturation, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Exogamy

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Assimilation = constructing a single national identity and culture, homogenization. Different than acculturation: assimilation is a two-way process, and the majority culture is changed as well as the minority culture. Acculturation occurs when the minority culture changes but is still able to retain unique cultural markers of language, food and customs. Acculturation is also a two way process as both cultures are changed. More normatively acceptable than expulsions or genocide. Promotes: nation-building, stability, state unity, defensive/offensive capacity, equality (non-discrimination, economic functionality labour mobility. Common language (sometimes coercively) in gb schools, kids speaking welsch were beaten. Common religion curius region, eius region. Assimilation creates a common national identity, which requires a common culture, while integration has tolerance for cultural diversity in the private sphere. Apartment building analogy (can do whatever you want inside) The state should(cid:374)"t i(cid:374)trude o(cid:374) pri(cid:448)ate (cid:373)atters (cid:894)(cid:373)ore tha(cid:374) just religio(cid:374)- also culture, ethnicity, identity)