POLS 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thrasymachus, Martha Nussbaum, Glaucon

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Different ideas (inequality/equality, reason, religion, etc. ) and emotions (fear, optimism, etc. ) have influenced the governance of human affairs (for better and worse). Understanding our past can help us better prepare for the future. It is a normative (rather) than descriptive endeavour. It is primarily concerned with how we ought to live together. As such it invokes political concepts and ideals (like freedom, equality, authority, democracy, etc. ) to help us evaluate the legitimate functions of government. Provide justification on why things should be done the way they are. Matha is in a fortunate position that allows her to help bob if she chooses to. ; how much wisdom and virtue (plato and. 3 approaches to political thought: history of political thought (skinner, context of the political thinker (hobbes, political ideologies (freeden) Link important thinkers together (liberals, socialists, conservatives, etc. ) These historical debates inform contemporary debates [ability to engage in sophisticated analysis]