POLS 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Amour-Propre, Alarm Clock, Negative Liberty

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Born in geneva in 1712, died in 1778. Lived in paris for 20 years and the french revolution happened 11 years after his death. Liberty, equality, fraternity emphasized by rousseau: man is good by nature but corrupted and depraved by society, authority of state and freedom of individual = incompatible. The two sorts of inequality are: natural inequality: inevitable, of the body/mind, moral/political inequality: not natural, explained and justified. State of nature is then our concern with self-preservation amour de soi (self love) Unpleasant characteristics are created by society to change amour de soi to amour propre (self love, vanity, pride) Then, difficulties arise in the state of nature . Cooperation in the state of nature = beneficial to survival. Entering into families then makes us more social and allows for leisure time to develop language. Arts and sciences lead to corruption because they are motivated by greed or idle curiosity with materialistic, not moral aims.