POLS 384 Study Guide - Final Guide: Double Bottom, Human Development Index, Human Security

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John horgan: concludes that knowing definitely all there is to know would be the end of science = no more puzzles/mysteries. Empiricism: all knowledge comes from sense experience and limited to what can be observed (science = empiricist epistemology) Journalist (focuses on (cid:494)what(cid:495) based on other info) vs. Yes but not always truth is a binary variable (like being pregnant yes or no) Thus, the purpose of science is to improve accuracy. King, keohane, verba says science has 4 characteristics: seeks inference, procedures are public (overt/replicable), conclusions. Normative: ideas, thoughts, and questions about what should or ought to be. Rationalism: knowledge is based on reason and is logically deduced are uncertain, the content is the method: science is about how facts are obtained and if they can truly be called facts! Interpretivist: we can interpret socially constructed norms to see why people act. Week 1 (part 2): the philosophy of science: how we know (pg.