[PSYC 203] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 39 pages long Study Guide!

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P yc(cid:1006)0(cid:1007) week (cid:1007) ethi(cid:272)s in psy(cid:272)hologi(cid:272)al resear(cid:272)h. Typically include description of environment behaviours occur in, behaviours itself, stimulus triggers. Might see patterns/correlations within data acquired from observational research. So that we can draw causal conclusions about behaviour. Might have a treatment group & a control group. Watson & rayner (1920) the (cid:862)little al(cid:271)ert(cid:863) study. Long term negative consequences were posed on little albert. She repeated applied pinpricks to the cheeks & bodies of infants. Infants showed significant distress, including withdrawal responses, crying, & stress. Studied reduced physical & social stimulation on infant development. Placed twins in a sensory deprived & socially deprived environment for 14 months. Wanted to show benefits of raised children in stimulus-rich environments. First code by the apa 1953. Currently, the ethics code contains 5 general principles. General principles of the apa code: beneficence & non-malfeasance. Produce greatest good: fidelity & responsibility. Should be professional in our role as researchers: integrity.