MTH 240 Final: MTH240 – W2017 Final V2

52 views7 pages
31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

General marking guidelines: check the steps in the solution, not only the nal answers, please make annotations in the solution (check-marks, typed comments, etc). Please use your discretion to adjust the marking scheme for solutions other than the ones i provide, and feel free to consult with your colleagues to see how they have marked similar solutions. Please contact me if you would like further instructions on the marking of a particular solution: try to follow the marking scheme as strictly as possible. In borderline cases, where the marking scheme cannot be applied directly, use your discretion (mostly on the generous side): the students were given 2 extra pages in case they run out of space. If you suspect that the solution written by the student is incomplete, please check these pages at the end of the test as the solution might be there. In any case, you will not include a grade on these nal 2 pages.