NSE 112 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Capital, Dignity

106 views2 pages
20 Apr 2016

Document Summary

We show our value through what we do + how we do it not aware we experience a conflict: keeping promise does 2 things, value honesty, integrity, accountability, willing to take risk. Respect for the inherent worth, uniqueness of others: integrity. Seamlessness of self, wholeness nurses act according to codes of ethics: social justice how allocation of resources should occur as as well as distribution of resources. Purpose= mixed-method study to intervention to build social capital & civility among nursing students. Expansion of study = test impact of civility-focused journal clubs no faculty incivility limitation: small sample size & self-selection of participants. Women nurses use relational not physical aggression. gossips, humiliation, disloyalty, exclusion. Has impact on patient safety, quality of care, and nurse retention. Snyder article: emancipatory knowing: empowering students towards reflection & action. Emancipatory knowing = call to action to advocate for social justice social theory. **history and legacies as a profession social, economic, political.