NSE 13A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nonverbal Communication, Active Listening

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Nse 13a- assessment of healthy individual: week 2 objectives. 810: describe and discuss how the nurse can create a comfortable environment for the client during the interview and physical examination and how to attend to the physical setting. The nurse should create a comfortable environment for the client during the interview and physical assessment. Prepare for the interview by attending to the physical setting. In any location, conditions are important to the completion of a smooth interview. Optimal conditions include: ensure privacy, refuse interruptions, physical environment, dress, note-taking, tape and video recording. Gather complete and accurate data about the patient"s health state, including the description and chronology of any symptoms of illness. Establish rapport and trust, and convey respect, so that the patient feels accepted (versus judged by you) and thus free to share all relevant data. Teach the patient about his or her health so that the patient can participate in identifying problems.