PPA 301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rosalie Abella, Participatory Democracy, Child Care

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Indigenous women and girls: legislation to decriminalize or legalize marijuana by 2017, and that"s not including seismic shifts south of the border from the unpredictable president-elect. What is administrative law: all levels of government make laws and regulations that affect us every day, administrative law is the resolution of disputes involving government laws and how the laws are applied. How do we ensure government plays by the rules: known as public law public justice law for ordinary people citizen and the state for most, it"s the main or only interaction with government. Administrative law in the news case examples: more red light cameras in toronto, city of toronto will expand red light cameras because infractions on the rise . Number of red light cameras will be doubled as part of city"s new million road safety plan. Administrative law is a set of principles and concepts common to all these different areas of law.