PSY 302 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Active Child, Tabula Rasa

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Understanding how children develop can help parents raise their children more effectively, lead society as a whole to adopt wiser policies regarding children"s welfare, and answer intriguing questions about human nature. One is expressing sympathy: when parents respond to their children"s distress with sympathy, the children are better able to cope with the situation causing the distress. Helping angry children find positive alternatives to expressing anger. Special curriculum for helping preschoolers (3 and 4 year olds_ who were angry and out of control. Curriculum lasted 32 weeks, preschool teachers helped children recognize their own and other children"s emotions, taught them techniques for controlling their anger, and guided them in resolving conflicts with other children. One approach for coping with anger: turtle technique . When children felt themselves becoming angry, they were to move away from other children and retreat into their turtle shell , where they could think through the situation until they were ready to emerge from the shell.