QMS 102 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Bar Chart, Frequency Distribution, Categorical Variable

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Week 1 statistics notes definitions, data types, and measurement scale. Transforms data into useful information for decision makers. Descriptive statistics collecting, summarizing, visualizing, presenting and analyzing data. Inferential statistics using data collected from a small group (sample) to draw conclusions about a larger group. Variable characteristic of an item or individual such as name, sex, marital status etc. Data the set of individual values associated with a variable and they are observations of a variable. The data of sex is either male or female. Population all the items or individuals about which you want to draw a conclusion. Sample the portion of a population selected for analysis. Parameter a numerical measure that describes a characteristics of a population| Statistic a numerical measure that describes a characteristics of a sample. Categorical qualitative (cid:448)alues that (cid:272)a(cid:374) o(cid:374)ly (cid:271)e pla(cid:272)ed i(cid:374)to (cid:272)ategories su(cid:272)h as (cid:862)yes(cid:863) or (cid:862)no(cid:863) Numerical quantitative values that represent quantities.