QMS 202 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Multiple Comparisons Problem, General Idea, Peanut Butter

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The standard normal distribution has mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. A z-value or standard normal value is the distance between a selected value, designed x and the population mean q , divided by the population standard deviation w . For a large sample size, the sampling distribution of x is approximately normal, irrespective of the shape of the population distribution. The mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of. The sample size is usually considered to be large if x are and. W ! x tail of the distribution is able to select all possible samples of a particular size from a given population. The point estimate for the population proportion t is the sample. , where n is the sample size and x is the proportion, Approximately 68 percent of the area under the normal curve is within one standard deviation of the. Confidence interval for a population mean ( w known)