SSH 105 Study Guide - Final Guide: False Dilemma, Hasty Generalization, Modus Tollens

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Document Summary

Proposition- the specific thought or idea that the statement expresses. Conclusion- statement that is supported by one or more premises. Argument- set of statements, one of which the conclusion is taken to be supported by the remaining statements (the premises) Inference- a process of reasoning from a premise or premise to a conclusion based on those premises. Figure if it really is an argument or not 1. Evaluate the argument- not evaluating its literary merit or rhetorical power, rational strength. Propositional knowledge- knowledge that- belief- having personal thoughts/feelings/attitudes, truth-rational, justification- evidence. Realism- about truth in some subject area, these truths are not dependent on anyone"s beliefs (they are objective) Nihilism no truths in that subject area. Relativism- there are truths in that subject area, what the truth depend upon, what we believe them to be subject truths depends upon individual"s social a society or culture.