SOC 479 Study Guide - Final Guide: Tacit Knowledge, Social Presence Theory, Social Capital

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15 Dec 2019

Document Summary

A set of relations among network members (wellman); a set of nodes (actors, network members) that are tied by one or more types of relations (wasserman & faust) Social capital: resources embedded in interpersonal ties. The sum of the resources, actual or virtual, that accrue to an individual or a group by virtue of possessing a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance & recognition (bourdieu, 1145) Bonding capital (typically strong ties) (makes you feel good) Definition: ties people feel close to, contact frequently, emotional bond, trust, reciprocity. Advantages: attitude and identity, solidarity, social support, fine-grained information, tacit knowledge, collaboration. Disadvantages: redundant info, require more time, energy, commitment. Bridging social capital (typically weak ties) (arises in ties that leak disconnected groups) Definition: ties we don"t feel close to, contact occasionally. Advantages: fresh info, diverse perspective, cognitive flexibility. Disadvantages: not all weak ties are bridges. Communities and types of communities (including persistent & pervasive):