ARCH 131 Final: all lecture notes for spring-2011 semester

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Office hours tuesdays: 9 30 10 30 office 9643 in archaeology dept. Anthropology subdivides: cultural anthropology - study of living cultures. Physical/bio anthropology study of human bio evolution. Muslim universities are the oldest schools: saved many books which created the basis of sciences. Pre-scientific framework: dictated by the church, irish archbishop james ussher. created a bible family tree" which realized that the world began in 4004 bc. god created all organisms exactly as we see them today. Found skeletal remains of humans which were different" from us. Felderhofer cave original neanderthal: looked at by johann fuhlrott and hermann shaaffhausen, hs was familiar with the concepts of evolution and was active in attempting to push for the accuracy of this theory. Rudolf virchow was against the ideology of evolution. Early anthropological research focused on the missing link. Eugene dubois: pithecanthropus (ape man) founding java www. notesolution. com, was declared that the remains were too primitive to be the missing link.