CMNS 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: George Herbert Mead, Walter J. Ong, Marshall Mcluhan

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Action model (one-step flow): sender receiver: basic & direct, communication transferred through space from one agent to another, pro: good for 1 speaker, every action enables/constraints some, con: problematic b/c it doesn"t communicate complex issues. Two step flow model: followers follow opinion leaders: opinion leaders receive, interpret, distribute original msg to large things audiences, pro: social media (twitter) where 1 person can have thousands of followers. Interaction model: sender or receiver: gives feedback, two ppl make something new, pro: feedback-loop provided, able to give opinion, con: technology influential. Hockett"s design features of language from that of animals. Ong"s idea"s of distinction between oral & literate cultures: people in oral cultures put everything together literate people put things, ex) earth and wind and water (cid:498)and(cid:499) is additive in oral culture. See a picture of a circle: oral cultures are homeostatic [slow to change not fast forward, remove memories that have lost their significance.