MATH 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Circle Centre, Asymptote, Quadratic Function

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Clearly indicate your final answer: answer each question in the space provided. Use the back of the previous page if necessary. If you do this, clearly instruct the marker continued on back of previous page . , and in radians = are exact numerical. Final exam: (2 marks each) give the exact simplified numerical value of each expression. Write your final answer on the line provided (remember that expressions such as values: the value of, __________, __________, __________, ___________ Page 3: __________, the period of the function is, __________, __________, ___________ Final exam: given two functions, (3 marks) evaluate exact and simplified: and, (2 marks) give a simplified expression for, (2 marks) give a simplified expression for, (3 marks) determine a formula for. ______________: (10 marks) use the graph of, for what values of x is. ____________________________: as, as, give the interval where decreasing: __________________, give the range of notation: ______________________, state the numbers (if any) at which in interval.