MBB 321 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hydrolysis, Citric Acid Cycle, Dihydrofolic Acid

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Mbb 321 - review session: functional groups slide, know the structure, be able to identify them, if you"re given a structure be able to circle the functional groups, gibbs free energy, negative is exergonic. International classification of enzymes chart: oxidoreductaces transfer of electrons. Ex. dehydrogenase: transferases group transfer reactions. Ex. kinase: hydrolases hydrolysis reactions. Breaking a reaction into two products: lyases addition of groups to double bonds, or formation of double bonds by removal of groups. Ex. decarboxylases: isomerases transfer of groups within molecules to yield isomeric form. Ex. epimerase, mutase: ligases formation of c-c, c-s, c-o . Aspartate + a-kg glutamate + oxaloacetate: very rare, aminotransferase binds to aspartate modifies enzyme oxaloacetate is formed then enzyme binds to a- Kg binds to aminotransferase and produces glutamate: in intermediate step the enzyme is modified. 3 types of reversible inhibition: competitive (km increases; vmax same) Pep; anaplerotic reaction: krebs cycle, 3 reversible reactions: Citrate synthase (acetyl coa and oxaloacetate citrate)