PSYC 308 Study Guide - Final Guide: Scientific Method, Abusive Power And Control, Classical Conditioning

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Icwa #3: describe and contrast the criticisms of laboratory-based experimental psychology and then mainstream behaviorist psychology of the 1940s to the 1960s by critical, social psychologists like kenneth gergen, humanists like carl rogers, gestaltists like wolfgang ko hler. Rise in experimental psychology led to the rise of various criticisms are tailored to the school of psychology they come from. Bp #1: describe criticisms of critical social psychologists like kenneth gergen. Social psychologists seek to discover causal relationships in order to establish basic principles that explain human interaction. Therefore, gergen critiques the application of the experimental approach, since it is well suited to only the isolation of particular dispositions, but a poor indicator of the social dispositions over time, which is the foundation of social psychology. Bp #2: describe criticisms of critical humanists like carl rogers and how it is similar or different. Humanistic psychologists are concerned with human individuality, experience, and free will.