PSYC 308 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reinforcement, Educational Technology, Edward B. Titchener

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Explain, and contrast the reasons, why american structuralism and psychoanalysis were not adopted widely in academic departments of psychology in the united states during the first half of the twentieth century. Structuralism is an approach to the study of psychology in which the goal is to describe in detail the structure of the mind, i. e. , the elements of consciousness and thought. Titchener, he believed that to understand mind or consciousness, we must know its structure, through introspection, for example, participant was asked to report how his sensation changed. Titchener believed that mind is the sum-total of human experience considered as dependent upon a nervous system . However, nervous systems don"t equate with the psychological experiences of minds, just as maps are not identical with journeys. Events in the nervous system run parallel to and provide a necessary physiological substratum for mental events, but don"t specifically cause mental events, at least by themselves.