[HLSC 1010] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (50 pages long!)

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Chapter 1 an invitation to health and wellness. (cid:498)alternative(cid:499) perspective: recognize and understand elements of a first. Understand the quality of life model and describe each domain. Be aware of various health agencies, branches and organizations in canada. Recognize and understand the six dimensions of wellness. Interconnectedness between physical and spiritual world, the individual and their environment, and the mind, body, and spirit. Reciprocal relationship between ourselves and mother earth. Aspects of self: physical, mental, emotional (expression of feelings and mood), spiritual (might be related to formal religions, feeling connected, greater force beyond just the individual. World is made up of individuals, families, clans, and nations. What is health? complete, physical, mental and social well-being. Health: not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of. (cid:498) extent to which an individual or group is able on one hand to realize the environment. (cid:499) aspirations and safety needs, and, on the other hand, to change and cope with.