ANTHR101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Applied Anthropology, Acculturation, Syncretism

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Culture change - chapter 18 & 19: applied anthropology. What changes and why: culture is influenced by many factors - e. g. environment, broader awareness, the more task specialization that"s present, the more cultures will change, even isolated and small-scale cultures will change to some extent. Innovation: the discovery of new principles: e. g. the invention of the wheel, more about discoveries that can be accidental. Secondary innovation: new applications of known principles: diffusion: the spread of customs or practices from one culture to another, direct contact, stimulus diffusion, cultural loss: the replacement of abandonment of customs or practices. E. g. natural disasters: reason why immigration is on the rise, changes occurring to those that are on the move and the country that people are moving into. E. g. think about how westernization and global market may affect the third- world countries that make those products. In some sense, we create poverty in these countries: globalization is another form of colonization.