GEOPH424 Midterm: GEOPHYS 424 UofA midterm Exams 424Midterm 2012

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31 Jan 2019

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Note the number of points allocated for each part. Notes and textbooks may not be used during the exam. Please hand in this exam, with your name and student number listed above. Question 1 resistivity of rocks ( total = 6 points) The shale has well connected pores with a porosity of 2% The rock grains have a resistivity of 1000 m. Well log measurements give a bulk resistivity is 45 m (1a) use archie"s law to calculate the degree of saturation (s) (1b) state two assumptions made in your answer to (a) (4 points) (2 points) Question 2 : maxwell"s equations (total = 13 points) A plane em wave is travelling vertically downwards in the air in the z-direction. The electric field is polarized in the x-direction. The surface of the earth is at z = 0. Ex (z,t) = c exp (-k1z) e-i t ko = and k1= (1-i)