POL S101 Study Guide - Final Guide: New Public Management, Canada Revenue Agency, Plurality Voting System

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Key concepts:pick 4 of 6 / 2 marks each. State: the state is sovereign over themselves, engage in international law as equals. It has a single government and leader beneath it. Government: government is a part of the state that changes frequently. Government is at the service of the state. Rule of law: is the foundation of democracy. It is supreme over government and private individuals. The rule of law demands that laws be created and upheld in the interests of maintaining law and order. The rules of the game and its players. Outlines political values, rights and distribution of political power. Limit the power that government has over its citizens, and limit the power that citizens have over each other. Fusion of powers: canada"s executive and legislative functions are merged. Significance- party members are expected to tow the line oe vote along with their party.