STAT235 Study Guide - Final Guide: Random Variable, Sampling Distribution, Standard Deviation

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A numerical value describing some aspect of a population. A numerical value describing some aspect of a sample. The assignment of value(s) to a population parameter based on a value of the corresponding sample parameter. A single number that"s our best guess for the parameter. Like a statistic but more precise towards the parameter estimation. Interval of numbers within which the parameter is believed to fall. Let be an estimator (a statistic calculated from a random sample) is a random variable with mean and standard deviation. Proportion of people with a specific characteristic in a random sample size n. Population proportion of people with that specific characteristic. The observed value depends on the particular sample selected from the population, it varies from sample to sample. The distribution of all values of a statistic. Let denote with mean of the observations in a random sample of size n from population having mean ( ) and standard deviation ( ).