KNES 375 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stationary Bicycle, Metabolic Equivalent, Calorimetry

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Knes 375 unit 8 final exam review. Physical activity vs exercise vs fitness: pa = any bodily movements produced by skeletal muscles, resulting in energy expenditure, pa can be measured in 1kcal = 1 cal = 4. 184 j. Sitting expenditure = 1. 5 kcal/min; swimming expenditure = 11 kcal/min: met = metabolic equivalent of task = used to estimate metabolic cost of pa. Resting o2 consumption = 3. 5 ml/kg/min, fast swim = 10 mets = 35 ml/kg/min, slow swim = 8 mets = 28 ml/kg/min: energy expenditures are typically expressed as kcals or mets in the literature. Contains internal. horizontal, spring suspended levers that record a step when the electrical circuit is closed. Provide helpful info and help create subject- specific goals. Can be made in different ways to appeal to different populations (ex: kids). Based off of an algorithm of arm swinging (may over-/under-estimate: simple pedometers count # of steps.