ANSC 2340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cranial Nerves, Spinal Cord, Efferent Nerve Fiber

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Incisors canine teeth premolars molars mandible (doesn"t have sutures) nasal bone premaxilla zygomatic arch mandibular condyle frontal bone. Interparietal: 2 small bones b/w occipital & parietal bones (horse, cat, dog) 2 bones ventral to parietal bones: forms lateral walls of cranium, contains most ear structures, forms joint with mandible temporomandibular or tmj. 2 tmj"s on each side of jaw, articular disk lower joint: open & close jaw upper joint: slide forward or side to side *** ruminants need this** Frontal: forehead of skull, rostral to parietal bones rostrolateral portion of cranium & portion of orbit in captive bolt stunning common in younger, lighter animals, bone not as thick. Nervous system (ns) complex communication & regulatory system sensory functions (hot, cold, touch, pain, pressure) integration functions: info gathering, processing, response which alters or controls body, motor functions: initiate & regulate movement of body parts, controlling 3 muscle classes (skeletal, cardiac, smooth) regulate secretions from glands, maintain appropriate state of consciousness.